2  Prosecution

Data Characteristics

The digital infrastructure allows prosecution offices operating in different types of court systems to define the functions of their system.

For all prosecution-related metrics, offices should share data relating to the criminal division of the prosecution office only. Following the definition set by partner organization the National Center for State Courts, Justice Counts defines a criminal court case as an action brought by a prosecutor on behalf of the jurisdiction their office represents against a person accused of violating a criminal law. Criminal cases are separated into three main categories:

  • Infractions: Minor violations typically punishable by payment of a fine.
  • Misdemeanors: Less serious crimes than a felony, typically punishable by less than a year of confinement, community supervision, fines, or other punishments.
  • Felonies: Serious criminal offenses punishable by more than a year in prison, including life in prison or, in some jurisdictions, the death penalty, or community supervision in some instances.

For offices that also handle non-criminal matters

Whenever possible, offices should share only data related to criminal case processing. If it is not possible to disaggregate criminal case processing data for some metrics, please prorate the metric to estimate the portion reflecting criminal case processing. For example, if 50 percent of the attorney caseload are criminal cases, the office could prorate their facility costs to reflect that 50 percent of the total cost is for prosecuting cases. Similarly, if criminal cases comprise 30 percent of an attorney’s caseload, that can be prorated as 0.3 full time equivalent positions. If it is not possible to disaggregate or prorate data, please add a contextual note when prompted to explain that the figures include data for civil or other types of cases.

Global Definitions

To make configuring metrics as easy as possible, some concepts can be defined once at the outset of onboarding and then applied throughout the rest of your metrics configuration. These concepts include the definitions of felony cases, misdemeanor cases, race and ethnicity, race and ethnicity data sources, biological sex, and biological sex data sources.

Felony Cases

Justice Counts description: A case in which the leading charge is a felony.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following:

INCLUDE Cases with a leading felony charge
EXCLUDE Cases with a leading misdemeanor or infraction charge

Misdemeanor Cases

Justice Counts description: A case in which the leading charge is a misdemeanor.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following:

INCLUDE Cases with a leading misdemeanor charge
EXCLUDE Cases with a leading felony charge
EXCLUDE Cases with a leading infraction charge

Race and Ethnicity

See Race and Ethnicity for detailed guidance on how to share data disaggregated by race and ethnicity with Justice Counts.

Male Biological Sex

Justice Counts description: A person whose biological sex is male.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following:

INCLUDE Male biological sex
EXCLUDE Unknown biological sex

Female Biological Sex

Breakdown description: A person whose biological sex is female.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following:

INCLUDE Female biological sex
EXCLUDE Unknown biological sex

Unknown Biological Sex

Breakdown description: A person whose biological sex is not known.

In addition to configuring biological sex definitions, agencies should also share information regarding the method of data collection for biological sex. Justice Counts recognizes that that there is significant variation across agencies for how, when, and by whom those data are collected and recorded.

Please indicate the origin of biological sex data for people referred for prosecution:

Yes/No Data are collected and recorded by a law enforcement agency and are applied unchanged by agency staff
Yes/No Data are collected and recorded by a law enforcement agency and are amended upon receipt by agency staff
Yes/No Data are collected and recorded by agency staff at intake
Yes/No Data are collected and recorded by a criminal justice agency other than a law enforcement agency and are applied unchanged by agency staff
Yes/No Data are collected and recorded by a criminal justice agency other than a law enforcement agency and are amended upon receipt by agency staff

Please indicate the method of data collection for biological sex data for the agency:

Yes/No People being processed self-report biological sex data
Yes/No Agency staff make determinations about biological sex for the people being processed
Yes/No It is not known how biological sex data is collected
Note about gender identity metrics

Justice Counts is working to determine the best way to account for gender identity through this initiative. More information is forthcoming in early 2023.

2.1 Funding

Preferred sharing frequency: Annually
Preferred time period: First day of fiscal year to last day of fiscal year

Metric description: The amount of funding for the operation and maintenance of the prosecution office to process criminal cases.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this metric, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

Funding timeframe and spend-down
INCLUDE Funding for single fiscal year
INCLUDE Biennium funding appropriated during the time period
INCLUDE Multi-year appropriations that are allocated during the time period
Funding purpose
INCLUDE Funding for office operations and maintenance
INCLUDE Funding for services provided through the office, including victim assistance
INCLUDE Funding for office-managed treatment and programming
INCLUDE Funding for conviction integrity units
INCLUDE Funding for specialty unit operations
INCLUDE Funding for electronic case management systems
EXCLUDE Funding for non-criminal case processing

2.1.1 State Appropriations

Breakdown description: The amount of funding appropriated by the state for the operation and maintenance of the prosecutor’s office to process criminal cases.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Finalized state appropriations
EXCLUDE Proposed state appropriations
EXCLUDE Preliminary state appropriations
EXCLUDE Grants from state sources that are not budget appropriations approved by the legislature/governor

2.1.2 County or Municipal Appropriations

Breakdown description: The amount of funding appropriated by counties or municipalities for the operation and maintenance of the prosecutor’s office to process criminal cases.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Finalized county or municipal appropriations
EXCLUDE Proposed county or municipal appropriations
EXCLUDE Preliminary county or municipal appropriations

2.1.3 Grants

Breakdown description: The amount of funding derived by the office through grants and awards to be used for the operation and maintenance of the prosecutor’s office to process criminal cases.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Local grants
INCLUDE State grants
INCLUDE Federal grants
INCLUDE Private or foundation grants

2.1.4 Other Funding

Breakdown description: The amount of funding to be used for the operation and maintenance of the prosecutor’s office to process criminal cases that is not appropriations from the state, appropriations from counties or cities, or funding from grants.

If criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

2.1.5 Unknown Funding

Breakdown description: The amount of funding for the operation and maintenance of the prosecutor’s office to process criminal cases for which the source is not known.

If criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

2.2 Expenses

Preferred sharing frequency: Annually
Preferred time period: First day of fiscal year to last day of fiscal year

Metric description: The amount spent by the office for the operation and maintenance of the prosecutor’s office to process criminal cases.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this metric, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

Expenses timeframe and spend-down
INCLUDE Expenses for single fiscal year
INCLUDE Biennium funding appropriated during the time period
INCLUDE Multi-year appropriations that are allocated during the time period
Expense purpose
INCLUDE Expenses for office operations and maintenance
INCLUDE Expenses for services provided through the office, including victim assistance
INCLUDE Expenses for office-managed treatment and programming
INCLUDE Expenses for conviction integrity units
INCLUDE Expenses for specialty unit operations
INCLUDE Expenses for electronic case management systems
EXCLUDE Expenses for non-criminal case processing

2.2.1 Personnel

Breakdown description: The amount spent to employ personnel involved in the operation and maintenance of the prosecutor’s office to process criminal cases.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Salaries
INCLUDE Benefits
INCLUDE Retirement contributions
INCLUDE Contracts for individuals doing work related to prosecution
EXCLUDE Companies or service providers contracted to support work related to prosecution

2.2.2 Training

Breakdown description: The amount spent by the office on the training of personnel involved in the operation and maintenance of the prosecutor’s office to process criminal cases, including any associated expenses, such as registration fees and travel costs.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Annual training
INCLUDE Continuing legal education (CLE)
INCLUDE Continuing education – other (not CLE eligible)
INCLUDE Training academy
INCLUDE Specialized training
INCLUDE External training or professional development opportunities (conferences, classes, etc.)
EXCLUDE Courses or programs offered at no cost to individuals or the prosecutor's office

2.2.3 Facilities and Equipment

Breakdown description: The amount spent by the office for the purchase and use of the physical plant and property owned and operated by the office to process criminal cases.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Facility operations
INCLUDE Facility maintenance
INCLUDE Facility renovation
INCLUDE Facility construction
INCLUDE Equipment (e.g., computers, communication, and information technology infrastructure)

2.2.4 Other Expenses

Breakdown description: The amount spent by the office to process criminal cases on other costs relating to the operation and maintenance of the prosecutor’s office that are not personnel, training, or facilities and equipment expenses.

If criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

2.2.5 Unknown Expenses

Breakdown description: The amount spent by the office to process criminal cases on costs relating to the operation and maintenance of the prosecutor’s office for a purpose that is not known.

If criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

2.3 Staff

Preferred sharing frequency: Annually
Preferred time period: Last day of fiscal year

Metric description: The number of full-time equivalent positions budgeted for the office to process criminal cases.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this metric, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Filled positions
INCLUDE Positions budgeted but currently vacant
INCLUDE Full-time positions
INCLUDE Part-time positions
INCLUDE Contracted positions
INCLUDE Temporary positions
EXCLUDE Volunteer positions
EXCLUDE Intern positions

2.3.2 Victim-Witness Advocate Staff

Breakdown description: The number of full-time equivalent positions that advise, counsel, or assist victims or witnesses of crime.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Victim-witness advocate staff
INCLUDE Victim-witness advocate supervisors

2.3.3 Administrative Staff

Breakdown description: The number of full-time equivalent positions that support legal and clerical policies and logistics to process criminal cases.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE All administrative staff
INCLUDE Data and analytics staff
INCLUDE Office managers and leadership staff without active caseloads
EXCLUDE Investigative staff

2.3.4 Investigative Staff

Breakdown description: The number of full-time equivalent positions that are responsible for gathering evidence to support criminal prosecutorial cases, inquiries into the details of a criminal case, and gathering evidence.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE All investigative staff

2.3.5 Other Staff

Breakdown description: The number of full-time equivalent positions to process criminal cases that are not legal staff, victim-witness advocate staff, administrative staff, investigative staff, or staff with unknown position types but are another type of staff position.

If criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

2.3.6 Unknown Staff

Breakdown description: The number of full-time equivalent positions to process criminal cases that are of an unknown type.

If criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

2.3.7 Vacant Positions (Any Staff Type)

Breakdown description: The number of full-time equivalent positions to process criminal cases of any type that are budgeted but not currently filled.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Vacant legal staff positions
INCLUDE Vacant victim-witness advocate staff positions
INCLUDE Vacant administrative staff positions
INCLUDE Vacant investigative staff positions
EXCLUDE Filled positions
Note regarding staff vacancy

Vacancy by staff type is an issue that all subcommittees have raised as critical to consider for inclusion in the Tier 2 metrics and has been included on initial voting slates for consideration. Tier 2 metrics are scheduled to be released in May 2023.

2.4 Caseload

Preferred sharing frequency: Monthly
Preferred time period: Last day of calendar month

Metric description: The ratio of the number of people with open criminal cases to the number of staff carrying a criminal caseload.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this metric, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

Number of people with open criminal cases carried by the office (numerator)
INCLUDE Criminal cases open and active during the time period
INCLUDE Criminal cases assigned to an attorney but inactive
EXCLUDE Criminal cases not yet assigned to an attorney
Number of legal staff carrying a criminal caseload (denominator)
INCLUDE Line attorneys carrying a caseload
INCLUDE Supervising attorneys carrying a caseload

2.4.1 Felony Caseload

Breakdown description: The ratio of the number of people with open felony cases to the number of staff carrying a felony caseload.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

Number of people with open felony cases carried by the office (numerator)
INCLUDE Felony cases open and active during the sharing period
INCLUDE Felony cases assigned to an attorney but inactive
EXCLUDE Felony cases not yet assigned to an attorney
Number of legal staff carrying a felony caseload (denominator)
INCLUDE Line attorneys carrying a felony-only caseload
INCLUDE Supervising attorneys carrying a felony-only caseload

2.4.2 Misdemeanor Caseload

Breakdown description: The ratio of the number of people with open misdemeanor cases to the number of staff carrying a misdemeanor caseload.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

Number of people with open misdemeanor cases carried by the office (numerator)
INCLUDE Misdemeanor cases open and active during the sharing period
INCLUDE Misdemeanor cases assigned to an attorney but inactive
EXCLUDE Misdemeanor cases not yet assigned to an attorney
Number of legal staff carrying a misdemeanor caseload (denominator)
INCLUDE Line attorneys carrying a misdemeanor-only caseload
INCLUDE Supervising attorneys carrying a misdemeanor-only caseload

2.4.3 Mixed Caseload

Breakdown description: The ratio of the number of people with open felony and misdemeanor cases to the number of staff carrying a mixed (felony and misdemeanor) caseload.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

Number of people with open cases carried by the office (numerator)
INCLUDE Felony cases open and active during the sharing period
INCLUDE Felony cases assigned to an attorney but inactive
INCLUDE Misdemeanor cases open and active during the sharing period
INCLUDE Misdemeanor cases assigned to an attorney but inactive
EXCLUDE Felony cases not yet assigned to an attorney
EXCLUDE Misdemeanor cases not yet assigned to an attorney
Number of legal staff carrying a mixed caseload (denominator)
INCLUDE Line attorneys carrying a mixed caseload
INCLUDE Supervising attorneys carrying a mixed caseload

2.4.4 Other Caseload

Breakdown description: The ratio of the number of people with open criminal cases that are not felony or misdemeanor cases to the number of staff carrying a criminal caseload that does not comprise felony or misdemeanor cases.

If criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

2.4.5 Unknown Caseload

Breakdown description: The ratio of the number of people with open criminal cases of unknown severity to the number of staff carrying a criminal caseload of unknown severity.

If criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

2.5 Cases Referred

Preferred sharing frequency: Monthly
Preferred time period: First day of calendar month to last day of calendar month

Metric description: The number of criminal cases referred to the office.

If the same person is listed as the defendant in multiple cases, these cases should be counted separately if they were referred and reviewed on different dates. If multiple charges were referred against one person on the same date, with the expectation that they would be reviewed and filed together, these charges should be combined to count as one case. If a single case includes multiple defendants, it should be counted as one case.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this metric, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE New cases referred by any law enforcement office
INCLUDE New cases referred by any supervision agency
INCLUDE New cases transferred from another jurisdiction for prosecution
INCLUDE New cases initiated by the prosecuting office itself
INCLUDE Inactive cases reopened
EXCLUDE Cases transferred internally

2.5.1 Felony Cases Referred

Breakdown description: The number of criminal cases referred to the office in which the leading charge was for a felony offense.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Cases with a leading felony charge
EXCLUDE Cases with a leading misdemeanor or infraction charge

2.5.2 Misdemeanor Cases Referred

Breakdown description: The number of criminal cases referred to the office in which the leading charge was for a felony offense.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Cases with a leading misdemeanor charge
EXCLUDE Cases with a leading felony charge
EXCLUDE Cases with a leading infraction charge

2.5.3 Other Cases Referred

Breakdown description: The number of criminal cases referred to the office in which the leading charge was not for a felony or misdemeanor offense.

If criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

2.5.4 Unknown Cases Referred

Breakdown description: The number of criminal cases referred to the office in which the leading charge was for an offense of unknown severity.

If criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

2.6 Cases Declined

Preferred sharing frequency: Monthly
Preferred time period: First day of calendar month to last day of calendar month

Metric description: The number of criminal cases referred to the office for review and declined for prosecution.

If the same person is listed as the defendant in multiple cases, these cases should be counted separately if they were referred and reviewed on different dates. If multiple charges were referred against one person on the same date, with the expectation that they would be reviewed and filed together, these charges should be combined to count as one case. If a single case includes multiple defendants, it should be counted as one case.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this metric, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE The number of new cases declined by the office for lack of evidence
INCLUDE The number of new cases declined by the office for lack of witness cooperation
INCLUDE The number of new cases declined by the office for lack of resources
EXCLUDE Cases transferred internally

2.6.1 Felony Cases Declined

Breakdown description: The number of cases referred and declined in which the leading charge was for a felony offense, as defined by the state statute.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Cases with a leading felony charge
EXCLUDE Cases with a leading misdemeanor or infraction charge

2.6.2 Misdemeanor Cases Declined

Breakdown description: The number of cases referred and declined in which the leading charge was for a misdemeanor offense, as defined by the state statute.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Cases with a leading misdemeanor charge
EXCLUDE Cases with a leading felony charge
EXCLUDE Cases with a leading infraction charge

2.6.3 Other Cases Declined

Breakdown description: The number of criminal cases referred and declined in which the leading charge was for another offense that was not a felony or misdemeanor.

If criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

2.6.4 Unknown Cases Declined

Breakdown description: The number of criminal cases referred and declined in which the leading charge was for an offense of unknown severity.

If criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

2.7 Cases Declined by Race and Ethnicity

Preferred sharing frequency: Monthly
Preferred time period: First day of calendar month to last day of calendar month

Metric description: The number of criminal cases referred to the office for review and declined for prosecution disaggregated by race and ethnicity of the defendant.

The definition of cases declined configured in the Cases Declined metric will be applied to this metric.

If the same person is listed as the defendant in multiple cases, these cases should be counted separately if they were referred and reviewed on different dates. If multiple charges were referred against one person on the same date, with the expectation that they would be reviewed together, these charges would be combined to count as one case. If a case has more than one defendant, each person’s race and ethnicity should be entered separately.

See Race and Ethnicity for detailed guidance on how to share data disaggregated by race and ethnicity with Justice Counts.

2.8 Cases Declined by Biological Sex

Preferred sharing frequency: Monthly
Preferred time period: First day of calendar month to last day of calendar month

Metric description: The number of criminal cases referred to the office for review and declined for prosecution disaggregated by biological sex of the defendant.

The definition of cases declined configured in the Cases Declined metric will be applied to this metric.

If the same person is listed as the defendant in multiple cases, these cases should be counted separately if they were referred and reviewed on different dates. If multiple charges were referred against one person on the same date, with the expectation that they would be reviewed together, these charges would be combined to count as one case. If a case has more than one defendant, each person’s biological sex should be entered separately.

2.8.1 Male Biological Sex

Breakdown description: The number of criminal cases referred to the office for review and declined for prosecution with a defendant whose biological sex is male.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Male biological sex
EXCLUDE Unknown biological sex

2.8.2 Female Biological Sex

Breakdown description: The number of criminal cases referred to the office for review and declined for prosecution with a defendant whose biological sex is female.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Female biological sex
EXCLUDE Unknown biological sex

2.8.3 Unknown Biological Sex

Breakdown description: The number of criminal cases referred to the office for review and declined for prosecution with a defendant whose biological sex is not known.

If criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

Note about gender identity metrics

Justice Counts is working to determine the best way to account for gender identity through this initiative. More information is forthcoming in early 2023.

2.9 Cases Diverted/Deferred

Preferred sharing frequency: Monthly
Preferred time period: First day of calendar month to last day of calendar month

Metric description: The number of criminal cases diverted from traditional case processing.

This may include cases diverted before or after filing, cases reopened and diverted, or cases deferred in lieu of probation conditions. Diversion programs will vary by jurisdiction and may include diversion to specialty court dockets.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this metric, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Cases deferred for completion of treatment
INCLUDE Cases deferred for restitution payment
INCLUDE Cases deferred for completion of community service or schooling
INCLUDE Cases diverted to a specialty court
INCLUDE Cases diverted to mediation or alternative dispute resolution
EXCLUDE Cases diverted or deferred and retained as open cases by the office

2.9.1 Felony Cases Diverted/Deferred

Breakdown description: The number of criminal cases diverted or deferred in which the leading charge was for a felony offense.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Cases with a leading felony charge
EXCLUDE Cases with a leading misdemeanor or infraction charge

2.9.2 Misdemeanor Cases Diverted/Deferred

Breakdown description: The number of criminal cases diverted or deferred in which the leading charge was for a misdemeanor offense.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Cases with a leading misdemeanor charge
EXCLUDE Cases with a leading felony charge
EXCLUDE Cases with a leading infraction charge

2.9.3 Other Cases Diverted/Deferred

Breakdown description: The number of criminal cases diverted or deferred in which the leading charge was for another offense that was not a felony or misdemeanor.

If criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

2.9.4 Unknown Cases Diverted/Deferred

Breakdown description: The number of criminal cases diverted or deferred in which the leading charge was for an offense of unknown severity.

If criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

2.10 Cases Diverted/Deferred by Race and Ethnicity

Preferred sharing frequency: Monthly
Preferred time period: First day of calendar month to last day of calendar month

Metric description: The number of cases diverted from traditional case processing and closed by the office disaggregated by race and ethnicity of the defendant.

The definition of cases diverted configured in the Cases Diverted/Deferred metric will be applied to this metric.

This may include cases diverted before or after filing, cases reopened and diverted, or cases deferred in lieu of probation conditions. Diversion programs will vary by jurisdiction and may include diversion to specialty court dockets. If a case has more than one defendant, each person’s race and ethnicity should be entered separately.

See Race and Ethnicity for detailed guidance on how to share data disaggregated by race and ethnicity with Justice Counts.

2.11 Cases Diverted/Deferred by Biological Sex

Preferred sharing frequency: Monthly
Preferred time period: First day of calendar month to last day of calendar month

Metric description: The number of cases diverted from traditional case processing and closed by the office disaggregated by biological sex of the defendant.

The definition of cases diverted configured in the Cases Diverted/Deferred metric will be applied to this metric.

This may include cases diverted before or after filing, cases reopened and diverted, or cases deferred in lieu of probation conditions. Diversion programs will vary by jurisdiction and may include diversion to specialty court dockets. If a case has more than one defendant, each person’s race and ethnicity should be entered separately.

2.11.1 Male Biological Sex

Breakdown description: The number of cases diverted from traditional case processing and closed by the office with a defendant whose biological sex is male.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Male biological sex
EXCLUDE Unknown biological sex

2.11.2 Female Biological Sex

Breakdown description: The number of cases diverted from traditional case processing and closed by the office with a defendant whose biological sex is female.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Female biological sex
EXCLUDE Unknown biological sex

2.11.3 Unknown Biological Sex

Breakdown description: The number of cases diverted from traditional case processing and closed by the office with a defendant whose biological sex is not known.

If criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

Note about gender identity metrics

Justice Counts is working to determine the best way to account for gender identity through this initiative. More information is forthcoming in early 2023.

2.12 Cases Prosecuted

Preferred sharing frequency: Monthly
Preferred time period: First day of calendar month to last day of calendar month

Metric description: The number of criminal cases assigned for prosecution to an attorney and prosecuted by the office.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this metric, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE The number of cases prosecuted by the office that resulted in a conviction
INCLUDE The number of cases prosecuted by the office that resulted in a not guilty verdict
INCLUDE The number of cases prosecuted by the office that resulted in a mistrial
EXCLUDE Cases accepted for prosecution but not assigned to an attorney

2.12.1 Felony Cases Prosecuted

Breakdown description: The number of cases prosecuted in which the leading charge was for a felony offense.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Cases with a leading felony charge
EXCLUDE Cases with a leading misdemeanor or infraction charge

2.12.2 Misdemeanor Cases Prosecuted

Breakdown description: The number of cases prosecuted in which the leading charge was for a misdemeanor offense.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Cases with a leading misdemeanor charge
EXCLUDE Cases with a leading felony charge
EXCLUDE Cases with a leading infraction charge

2.12.3 Other Cases Prosecuted

Breakdown description: The number of cases prosecuted in which the leading charge was for another offense that was not a felony or misdemeanor.

If criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

2.12.4 Unknown Cases Prosecuted

Breakdown description: The number of cases prosecuted in which the leading charge was for an offense of unknown severity.

If criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

2.13 Cases Prosecuted by Race and Ethnicity

Preferred sharing frequency: Monthly
Preferred time period: First day of calendar month to last day of calendar month

Metric description: The number of criminal cases assigned for prosecution to an attorney and prosecuted by the office disaggregated by race and ethnicity of the defendant.

The definition of cases prosecuted configured in the Cases Prosecuted metric will be applied to this metric.

If a case has more than one defendant, each person’s race and ethnicity should be entered separately.

See Race and Ethnicity for detailed guidance on how to share data disaggregated by race and ethnicity with Justice Counts.

2.14 Cases Prosecuted by Biological Sex

Preferred sharing frequency: Monthly
Preferred time period: First day of calendar month to last day of calendar month

Metric description: The number of criminal cases assigned for prosecution to an attorney and prosecuted by the office disaggregated by biological sex of the defendant.

The definition of cases prosecuted configured in the Cases Prosecuted metric will be applied to this metric.

If a case has more than one defendant, each person’s biological sex should be entered separately.

2.14.1 Male Biological Sex

Breakdown description: The number of cases assigned for prosecution to an attorney and prosecuted by the office with a defendant whose biological sex is male.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Male biological sex
EXCLUDE Unknown biological sex

2.14.2 Female Biological Sex

Breakdown description: The number of cases assigned for prosecution to an attorney and prosecuted by the office with a defendant whose biological sex is female.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Female biological sex
EXCLUDE Unknown biological sex

2.14.3 Unknown Biological Sex

Breakdown description: The number of cases assigned for prosecution to an attorney and prosecuted by the office with a defendant whose biological sex is not known.

If criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

Note about gender identity metrics

Justice Counts is working to determine the best way to account for gender identity through this initiative. More information is forthcoming in early 2023.

2.15 Cases Disposed

Preferred sharing frequency: Monthly
Preferred time period: First day of calendar month to last day of calendar month

Metric description: The number of criminal cases disposed by the office.

If the same person is listed as the defendant in multiple cases, these cases should be counted separately if they were disposed on different dates.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this metric, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Cases dismissed
INCLUDE Cases resolved by plea
INCLUDE Cases resolved at trial
EXCLUDE Cases marked as inactive, but not closed
EXCLUDE Pending cases

2.15.1 Cases Disposed by Dismissal

Breakdown description: The number of criminal cases dismissed after filing and closed by the office.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Cases with a leading felony charge dismissed
INCLUDE Cases with a leading misdemeanor charge dismissed

2.15.2 Cases Resolved by Plea

Breakdown description: The number of criminal cases resulting in conviction by guilty plea and closed by the office.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Cases with a leading felony charge resolved by plea
INCLUDE Cases with a leading misdemeanor charge resolved by plea

2.15.3 Cases Resolved at Trial

Breakdown description: The number of criminal cases resolved at trial and closed by the office.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Cases with a leading felony charge resolved at trial
INCLUDE Cases with a leading misdemeanor charge resolved at trial

2.15.4 Other Disposition

Breakdown description: The number of criminal cases disposed by the office that were not dismissed, resolved by plea, or resolved at trial but disposed by another means.

If criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

2.15.5 Unknown Disposition

Breakdown description: The number of criminal cases disposed by the office for which the disposition method is unknown.

If criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

2.16 Violations Filed Resulting in Discipline

Preferred sharing frequency: Annually
Preferred time period: First day of calendar year to last day of calendar year

Metric description: The number of violations filed against any attorney with a criminal caseload in the office that resulted in a disciplinary action imposed on the attorney by the local or state disciplinary board during the time period.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (if criminal case processing data cannot be shared discretely for this metric, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Formal Brady violations
INCLUDE Formal discovery violations
INCLUDE Formal violations for biased jury selection
INCLUDE Formal violations for ineffective counsel
INCLUDE Formal violations for violating client confidentiality
INCLUDE Formal violations for conflict of interest – financial
INCLUDE Formal violations for conflict of interest – non-financial
INCLUDE Formal violations for discrimination
INCLUDE Formal violations for harassment
EXCLUDE Violations submitted informally or not in writing
EXCLUDE Violations not resulting in formal disciplinary action
EXCLUDE Violations pending investigation and review
EXCLUDE Duplicate violations filed