7  Community Supervision

Data Characteristics

The digital infrastructure provides an opportunity to define and share data for a number of supervision types, including probation, parole, pretrial supervision, and other community supervision (that is not probation, parole, or pretrial).

For agencies that oversee more than one type of supervision

Whenever possible, agencies should share only data for each supervision type separately, for example, sharing data about probation revocations and parole revocations independently. We understand that it may not be possible to disaggregate metrics such as funding, expenses, and staff when they are shared across agency functions or supervision types. In instances where supervision data cannot be disaggregated by supervision type, you can share data in a combined category that includes all the supervision types you have defined for your agency.

A free text field will be provided for agencies to describe whether or not people can be on multiple types of supervision in their jurisdiction, if they are able to identify which people are on multiple types of supervision, and if so, which category they will be counted under. When possible, people should be under one supervision type. For people who are on multiple supervision types at the same time, for example, if a person is on both probation and parole simultaneously, they can be counted in “Other Community Supervision” and omitted from the Probation and Parole supervision types.

If your agency only has one supervision type under its jurisdiction, you will share data for that type only.

For agencies housed within a Department of Corrections

Whenever possible, agencies should share only data related to community supervision in “Community Supervision” metrics and share only data related to prisons functions separately in “Prison” metrics. We understand that it may not be possible to disaggregate metrics such as funding, expenses, and staff when they are shared across agency functions. In instances where prisons and community supervision data cannot be disaggregated, please share combined data in “Prisons” metrics and leave “Community Supervision” metrics blank. For metrics showing combined data, please add a contextual note when prompted to explain that the figures include data for multiple Justice Counts sectors.

Supervision Types

Probation Definition

Justice Counts description: People who are supervised in the community by a public or private probation agency. Probation is generally a sentence from a court that serves in lieu of incarceration. When probation follows incarceration, it differs from parole in that it does not provide early release from incarceration. Rather, it is a determinate sentence that follows a period of incarceration. Decisions to revoke probation are generally the responsibility of a court.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following:

INCLUDE People sentenced to a period of probation in lieu of incarceration (including to electronic monitoring, home confinement, traditional supervision, etc.)
INCLUDE People sentenced to a period of probation after a period of incarceration (including to electronic monitoring, home confinement, traditional supervision, etc.)
INCLUDE People on probation as part of a post-adjudication specialty or problem-solving court program (e.g., drug court)
INCLUDE People sentenced to probation who are temporarily confined in jail, prison, or another confinement center for a short “dip” sanction (typically less than 30 days)
INCLUDE People sentenced to probation confined for any length of time in a violation center or halfway back facility operated by the supervision agency
INCLUDE People sentenced to probation who are in jail or prison on a hold pending resolution of a violation or revocation
INCLUDE People sentenced to probation who are confined in jail or prison for a longer sanction (e.g., more than 30 days, 120 days, 6 months, etc.)
INCLUDE People sentenced to probation in another jurisdiction who are supervised by the agency through interstate compact, intercounty compact, or other mutual supervision agreement
EXCLUDE People sentenced to probation who are being supervised by another jurisdiction
EXCLUDE People who have not been sentenced but are supervised on probation in the community prior to the resolution of their case
EXCLUDE People sentenced to probation who are also on another form of supervision
EXCLUDE People on probation as part of a pre-adjudication specialty or problem-solving court program (e.g., drug court)

Parole Definition

Justice Counts description: People who are conditionally released from prison to serve the remainder of their sentence in the community. Parole releases may be determined by a parole board or by mandatory release according to statute. Decisions to revoke parole are generally the responsibility of a parole board.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following:

INCLUDE People approved by a parole board or similar entity for early conditional release from incarceration to parole supervision (including to electronic monitoring, home confinement, traditional supervision, etc.)
INCLUDE People conditionally released from incarceration to parole supervision by statutory requirement (including to electronic monitoring, home confinement, traditional supervision, etc.)
INCLUDE People on parole who are temporarily confined in jail, prison, or another confinement center for a short “dip” sanction (typically less than 30 days)
INCLUDE People on parole confined for any length of time in a violation center or halfway back facility operated by the supervision agency
INCLUDE People on parole who are in jail or prison on a hold pending resolution of a violation or revocation
INCLUDE People on parole who are confined in jail or prison for a longer sanction (e.g., more than 30 days, 120 days, 6 months, etc.)
INCLUDE People released to parole in another jurisdiction who are supervised by the agency through interstate compact, intercounty compact, or other mutual supervision agreement
EXCLUDE People on parole who are also on another form of supervision
EXCLUDE People on parole who are being supervised by another jurisdiction

Pretrial Supervision Definition

Justice Counts description: People who are supervised while awaiting trial as a condition of staying in the community until the disposition of their case. Decisions to revoke pretrial supervision are generally the responsibility of a court.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following:

INCLUDE People on citation release (i.e., were never booked)
INCLUDE People released from jail or otherwise not held pretrial on the condition of supervision (including electronic monitoring, home confinement, traditional supervision, etc.)
INCLUDE People released from jail or otherwise not held pretrial due to statutory requirement
INCLUDE People supervised as part of a pre-adjudication specialty or problem-solving court program (e.g., drug court)
INCLUDE People on pretrial supervision who are incarcerated on a hold pending resolution of a violation or revocation
EXCLUDE People on pretrial supervision who are also on another form of supervision

Other Community Supervision Definition

Justice Counts description: People who are under a type of community supervision, by a public or private agency, that is not probation, parole, or pretrial.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following:

INCLUDE People sentenced to a period of other community supervision in lieu of incarceration (including to electronic monitoring, home confinement, traditional supervision, etc.)
INCLUDE People sentenced to a determinate period of other community supervision after a period of incarceration (including to electronic monitoring, home confinement, traditional supervision, etc.)
INCLUDE People on other community supervision as part of a post-adjudication specialty or problem-solving court program (e.g., drug court)
INCLUDE People approved by a parole board or similar entity for early conditional release from incarceration to other community supervision (including to electronic monitoring, home confinement, traditional supervision, etc.)
INCLUDE People conditionally released from incarceration to other community supervision by statutory requirement (including to electronic monitoring, home confinement, traditional supervision, etc.)
INCLUDE People on other community supervision who are temporarily confined in jail, prison, or another confinement center for a short “dip” sanction (typically less than 30 days)
INCLUDE People on other community supervision confined for any length of time in a violation center or halfway back facility operated by the supervision agency
INCLUDE People on other community supervision who are in jail or prison on a hold pending resolution of a violation or revocation
INCLUDE People on other community supervision who are confined in jail or prison for a longer sanction (e.g., more than 30 days, 120 days, 6 months, etc.)
INCLUDE People on other community supervision who are incarcerated on a hold pending resolution of a violation or revocation
INCLUDE People on supervision in another jurisdiction who are supervised by the agency through interstate compact, intercounty compact, or other mutual supervision agreement
INCLUDE People on other community supervision who are also on another form of supervision
EXCLUDE People on other community supervision who have not been sentenced but are supervised in the community prior to the resolution of their case
EXCLUDE People on other community supervision in a pre-adjudication specialty or problem-solving court program (e.g., drug court, etc.)

Global Definitions

To make configuring metrics as easy as possible, some concepts can be defined once at the outset of onboarding and then applied throughout the rest of your metric configuration. These concepts include the definition of arrests for person charges/offenses, property charges/offenses, drug charges/offenses, public order charges/offenses, other charges/offenses, and unknown charges/offenses.

Note regarding charge/offense type breakdowns

The offense categories described below align with the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) offense classifications and definitions, with two exceptions: 1) Justice Counts continues to recommend counting robbery as a person offense, rather than property, though agencies can choose to comply with the NIBRS change in that categorization, and 2) the NIBRS “Crime Against Society” category has been split into two groups: public order offenses and drug offenses. For incidents in which there were multiple offenses, please apply a hierarchy rule and share data according to the most serious offense (as determined by the agency). If your agency does not have a hierarchy rule, we recommend following the summary reporting model of crimes against persons considered most serious, followed by crimes against property, public order offenses, and drug offenses. Also note that the terminology in these offense categories is drawn directly from NIBRS and does not necessarily reflect the preferred language and values of the CSG Justice Center.

Person Charges/Offenses

Justice Counts description: People or events for which the most serious charge or offense associated was a crime against a person.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following:

INCLUDE Aggravated assault
INCLUDE Simple assault
INCLUDE Intimidation
INCLUDE Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter
INCLUDE Negligent manslaughter
INCLUDE Human trafficking, commercial sex acts
INCLUDE Human trafficking, involuntary servitude
INCLUDE Kidnapping/abduction
INCLUDE Sexual assault with an object
INCLUDE Fondling
INCLUDE Statutory rape
EXCLUDE Justifiable homicide

Property Charges/Offenses

Justice Counts description: People or events for which the most serious charge or offense associated was a property crime.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following:

INCLUDE Burglary/breaking and entering
INCLUDE Counterfeiting/forgery
INCLUDE Destruction/damage/vandalism of property
INCLUDE Embezzlement
INCLUDE Extortion/blackmail
INCLUDE False pretenses/swindle/confidence game
INCLUDE Credit card/automated teller machine fraud
INCLUDE Impersonation
INCLUDE Welfare fraud
INCLUDE Wire fraud
INCLUDE Identity theft
INCLUDE Hacking/computer invasion
INCLUDE Pocket-picking
INCLUDE Purse-snatching
INCLUDE Shoplifting
INCLUDE Theft from building
INCLUDE Theft from coin-operated machine or device
INCLUDE Theft from motor vehicle
INCLUDE Theft of motor vehicle parts or accessories
INCLUDE All other larceny
INCLUDE Motor vehicle theft
INCLUDE Stolen property offenses

Public Order Charges/Offenses

Justice Counts description: People or events for which the most serious charge or offense associated was a crime against a person.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following:

INCLUDE Animal cruelty
INCLUDE Import violations
INCLUDE Export violations
INCLUDE Federal liquor offenses
INCLUDE Federal tobacco offenses
INCLUDE Wildlife trafficking
INCLUDE Espionage
INCLUDE Money laundering
INCLUDE Harboring escapee/concealing from arrest
INCLUDE Flight to avoid prosecution
INCLUDE Flight to avoid deportation
INCLUDE Betting/wagering
INCLUDE Operating/promoting/assisting gambling
INCLUDE Gambling equipment violations
INCLUDE Sports tampering
INCLUDE Illegal entry into the United States
INCLUDE False citizenship
INCLUDE Smuggling aliens
INCLUDE Re-entry after deportation
INCLUDE Pornography/obscene material
INCLUDE Prostitution
INCLUDE Assisting or promoting prostitution
INCLUDE Purchasing prostitution
INCLUDE Weapon law violations
INCLUDE Violation of National Firearm Act of 1934
INCLUDE Weapons of mass destruction
INCLUDE Explosives
INCLUDE Failure to appear
INCLUDE Curfew/loitering/vagrancy violations
INCLUDE Disorderly conduct
INCLUDE Driving under the influence
INCLUDE Family offenses, nonviolent
INCLUDE Federal resource violations
INCLUDE Liquor law violations
INCLUDE Trespass of real property
EXCLUDE Drug/narcotic violations
EXCLUDE Drug equipment violations
EXCLUDE Drug sales
EXCLUDE Drug distribution
EXCLUDE Drug manufacturing
EXCLUDE Drug smuggling
EXCLUDE Drug production
EXCLUDE Drug possession

Drug Charges/Offenses

Justice Counts description: People or events for which the most serious charge or offense associated was a drug crime.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following:

INCLUDE Drug/narcotic violations
INCLUDE Drug equipment violations
INCLUDE Drug sales
INCLUDE Drug distribution
INCLUDE Drug manufacturing
INCLUDE Drug smuggling
INCLUDE Drug production
INCLUDE Drug possession

Other Charges/Offenses

Justice Counts description: People or events for which the most serious charge or offense associated was not a person, property, public order, or drug offense.

Unknown Charges/Offenses

Justice Counts description: People or events for which the most serious charge or offense associated was unknown.

7.1 Funding

Preferred sharing frequency: Annually
Preferred time period: First day of fiscal year to last day of fiscal year

Metric description: The amount of funding for the provision of community supervision and operation and maintenance of community supervision facilities under the jurisdiction of the agency.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this metric can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this metric, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

Funding timeframe and spend-down
INCLUDE Funding for single fiscal year
INCLUDE Biennium funding appropriated during the time period
INCLUDE Multi-year appropriations that are allocated during the time period
Funding purpose
INCLUDE Funding for community supervision office facility operations and maintenance
INCLUDE Funding for community supervision confinement facility operations and maintenance (e.g., violation centers, halfway back facilities, etc.)
INCLUDE Funding for construction or rental of new community supervision facilities
INCLUDE Funding for agency-run or contracted treatment and programming
INCLUDE Funding for community supervision staff
INCLUDE Funding for central administrative and support staff
INCLUDE Funding for the operation of private community supervision services contracted by the agency
INCLUDE Funding for supervision services contracted to other jurisdictions through interstate compact
EXCLUDE Funding for stipends or reimbursements for people on supervision detained in jail facilities (locally or out of state)
EXCLUDE Funding for stipends or reimbursements for people on supervision detained in prison facilities (locally or out of state)
EXCLUDE Funding for jail facility operations and maintenance
EXCLUDE Funding for prison facility operations and maintenance
EXCLUDE Funding for juvenile supervision

7.1.1 State Appropriations

Breakdown description: The amount of funding appropriated by the state for the provision of community supervision and the operation and maintenance of community supervision facilities under the jurisdiction of the agency.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Finalized state appropriations
EXCLUDE Proposed state appropriations
EXCLUDE Preliminary state appropriations
EXCLUDE Grants from state sources that are not budget appropriations approved by the legislature/governor

7.1.2 County or Municipal Appropriations

Breakdown description: The amount of funding appropriated by counties or cities for the provision of community supervision and the operation and maintenance of community supervision facilities under the jurisdiction of the agency.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Finalized county or municipal appropriations
EXCLUDE Proposed county or municipal appropriations
EXCLUDE Preliminary county or municipal appropriations

7.1.3 Grants

Breakdown description: The amount of funding derived by the agency through grants and awards to be used for the provision of community supervision and the operation and maintenance of community supervision facilities under the jurisdiction of the agency.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Local grants
INCLUDE State grants
INCLUDE Federal grants
INCLUDE Private or foundation grants

7.1.4 Fines and Fees

Breakdown description: The amount of funding the agency collected from people on supervision that is used to support the provision of community supervision or the operation and maintenance of community supervision facilities under the jurisdiction of the agency.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Supervision fees
INCLUDE Fees charged to people on supervision for electronic monitoring
INCLUDE Fees charged to people on supervision for programming
INCLUDE Fees charged to people on supervision for treatment
INCLUDE Fees charged to people on supervision for drug or alcohol testing
EXCLUDE Restitution
EXCLUDE Legal financial obligations

7.1.5 Other Funding

Breakdown description: The amount of funding for the provision of community supervision or the operation and maintenance of community supervision facilities under the jurisdiction of the agency that is not appropriations from the state, appropriations from the county or municipality, funding from grants, or funding from fines or fees.

This breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

7.1.6 Unknown Funding

Breakdown description: The amount of funding for the provision of community supervision or the operation and maintenance of community supervision facilities under the jurisdiction of the agency for which the source is not known.

This breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

7.2 Expenses

Preferred sharing frequency: Annually
Preferred time period: First day of fiscal year to last day of fiscal year

Metric description: The amount spent by the agency for the provision of community supervision or the operation and maintenance of community supervision facilities under the jurisdiction of the agency.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this metric can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this metric, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

Expenses timeframe and spend-down
INCLUDE Expenses for single fiscal year
INCLUDE Biennium funding appropriated during the time period
INCLUDE Multi-year appropriations that are allocated during the time period
Expense purpose
INCLUDE Expenses for community supervision office facility operations and maintenance
INCLUDE Expenses for community supervision confinement facility operations and maintenance (e.g., violation centers, halfway back facilities, etc.)
INCLUDE Expenses for construction or rental of new community supervision facilities
INCLUDE Expenses for agency-run or contracted treatment and programming
INCLUDE Expenses for community supervision staff
INCLUDE Expenses for central administrative and support staff
INCLUDE Expenses for the operation of private community supervision services contracted by the agency
INCLUDE Expenses for supervision services contracted to other jurisdictions through interstate compact
EXCLUDE Expenses for stipends or reimbursements for people on supervision detained in jail facilities (locally or out of state)
EXCLUDE Expenses for stipends or reimbursements for people on supervision detained in prison facilities (locally or out of state)
EXCLUDE Expenses for jail facility operations and maintenance
EXCLUDE Expenses for prison facility operations and maintenance
EXCLUDE Expenses for juvenile supervision

7.2.1 Personnel

Breakdown description: The amount spent by the agency to employ personnel involved in the provision of community supervision or the operation and maintenance of community supervision facilities under the jurisdiction of the agency.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Salaries
INCLUDE Benefits
INCLUDE Retirement contributions
INCLUDE Costs for individuals contracted to work in or for the supervision agency
EXCLUDE Costs for companies contracted to work in or for the supervision agency

7.2.2 Training

Breakdown description: The amount spent by the agency on the training of personnel involved in the provision of community supervision or the operation and maintenance of community supervision facilities under the jurisdiction of the agency, including any associated expenses, such as registration fees and travel costs.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Annual training
INCLUDE Continuing education
INCLUDE Training academy
INCLUDE Specialized training
INCLUDE External training or professional development opportunities (conferences, classes, etc.)

7.2.3 Facilities and Equipment

Breakdown description: The amount spent by the agency for the purchase and use of the physical plant and property owned and operated by the agency for the provision of community supervision or the operation and maintenance of community supervision facilities under the jurisdiction of the agency.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Supervision facility operations
INCLUDE Supervision facility maintenance
INCLUDE Supervision facility renovation
INCLUDE Supervision facility construction
INCLUDE Equipment (e.g., computers, communication, and information technology infrastructure)

7.2.4 Other Expenses

Breakdown description: The amount spent by the agency on other costs relating to the provision of community supervision or the operation and maintenance of community supervision facilities under the jurisdiction of the agency that are not personnel, training, or facilities and equipment expenses.

This breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

7.2.5 Unknown Funding

Breakdown description: The amount spent by the agency on other costs relating to the provision of community supervision or the operation and maintenance of community supervision facilities under the jurisdiction of the agency for a purpose that is not known.

This breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

7.3 Staff

Preferred sharing frequency: Annually
Preferred time period: Last day of fiscal year

Metric description: The number of full-time equivalent positions budgeted for the agency for the provision of community supervision or the operation and maintenance of community supervision facilities under the jurisdiction of the agency.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this metric can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this metric, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Filled positions
INCLUDE Staff positions budgeted but currently vacant
INCLUDE Full-time positions
INCLUDE Part-time positions
INCLUDE Contracted positions
INCLUDE Temporary positions
EXCLUDE Volunteer positions
EXCLUDE Intern positions

7.3.1 Supervision Staff

Breakdown description: The number of full-time equivalent positions that work directly with people who are on supervision and are responsible for their supervision and case management.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Supervision officers (with caseloads)
INCLUDE Supervision supervisors (with caseloads)
EXCLUDE Any supervision staff positions budgeted but currently vacant

7.3.2 Management and Operations Staff

Breakdown description: The number of full-time equivalent positions that do not work directly with people who are supervised in the community but support the day-to-day operations of the supervision agency.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Supervision agency management (i.e., district managers, regional managers who do not carry caseloads as a primary job function)
INCLUDE Clerical or administrative staff
INCLUDE Maintenance staff
INCLUDE Research staff
EXCLUDE Management and operations staff positions budgeted but currently vacant

7.3.3 Clinical and Medical Staff

Breakdown description: The number of full-time equivalent positions that work directly with people on probation, parole, or other community supervision and are responsible for their physical or mental health.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Medical doctors
INCLUDE Dentists
INCLUDE Clinicians (e.g., substance use treatment specialists)
INCLUDE Therapists (e.g., mental health counselors)
INCLUDE Psychiatrists
EXCLUDE Clinical or medical staff positions budgeted but currently vacant

7.3.4 Programmatic Staff

Breakdown description: The number of full-time equivalent positions that provide services and programming to people on community supervision but are not medical or clinical staff.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Vocational staff
INCLUDE Educational staff
INCLUDE Therapeutic and support program staff
INCLUDE Religious or cultural program staff
EXCLUDE Programmatic staff volunteer positions
EXCLUDE Programmatic staff positions budgeted but currently vacant

7.3.5 Other Staff

Breakdown description: The number of full-time equivalent positions dedicated to the provision of community supervision or the operation and maintenance of community supervision facilities under the jurisdiction of the agency that are not supervision staff, management and operations staff, clinical and medical staff, or programmatic staff.

This breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

7.3.6 Unknown Staff

Breakdown description: The number of full-time equivalent positions dedicated to the provision of community supervision or the operation and maintenance of community supervision facilities under the jurisdiction of the agency that are of an unknown type.

This breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

7.3.7 Vacant Positions (Any Staff Type)

Breakdown description: The number of full-time equivalent positions of any type dedicated to the provision of community supervision or the operation and maintenance of community supervision facilities under the jurisdiction of the agency that are budgeted but not currently filled.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Vacant supervision staff positions
INCLUDE Vacant management and operations staff positions
INCLUDE Vacant clinical and medical staff positions
INCLUDE Vacant programmatic staff positions
INCLUDE Vacant staff positions of unknown type
EXCLUDE Filled positions
Note regarding staff vacancy

Vacancy by staff type is an issue that all subcommittees have raised as critical to consider for inclusion in the Tier 2 metrics and has been included on initial voting slates for consideration. Tier 2 metrics are scheduled to be released in May 2023.

7.4 Caseload

Preferred sharing frequency: Monthly
Preferred time period: Last day of calendar month

Metric description: The ratio of the number of people with open supervision cases under the jurisdiction of the supervision agency to the number of staff carrying a supervision caseload.

Caseload is based on the daily population of people on supervision, regardless of the number of cases a person may have. For example, if a person has three active cases under the jurisdiction of the agency, they would count as one person in the daily population for the purposes of this metric.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this metric can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this metric, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

Number of people with open cases under the jurisdiction of the supervision agency (numerator)
INCLUDE People with cases on active supervision status
INCLUDE People with cases on administrative status
INCLUDE People with cases on absconder status
INCLUDE People with cases on non-reporting status (e.g., no fees, no reporting, no travel restrictions)
INCLUDE People with cases on specialized caseloads (e.g., for sex offenses, domestic violence, serious mental illness)
INCLUDE People with cases in pretrial investigation
Number of staff carrying a supervision caseload (denominator)
INCLUDE Supervision staff carrying a caseload
INCLUDE Supervision supervisors carrying a caseload
INCLUDE Non-supervision administrative staff temporarily carrying a caseload
EXCLUDE Staff on leave whose caseload is being covered by a colleague

7.5 New Cases

Preferred sharing frequency: Monthly
Preferred time period: First day of calendar month to last day of calendar month

Metric description: The number of people with new community supervision cases referred to the agency as the result of a legal decision made by the courts or another authority, such as a parole board.

New cases are based on the number of people who had a new supervision case initiated, not the number of new cases initiated. For example, if a person who was not already on supervision started three new supervision sentences in a time period, they would count as one new case. If a person who is already on supervision starts a new supervision case during the time period, they would not be counted in this metric.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this metric can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this metric, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE People with new active supervision cases
INCLUDE People with new administrative supervision cases
INCLUDE People with new non-reporting cases (e.g., no fees, no reporting, no travel restrictions)
INCLUDE People with new specialized cases (e.g., for sex offenses, domestic violence, serious mental illness)
INCLUDE People with new cases in pretrial investigation
EXCLUDE People with cases transferred between supervision districts or supervision officers in the same jurisdiction

7.5.1 New Cases for Person Charges/Offenses

Breakdown description: The number of people with new community supervision cases referred to the agency in which the most serious originating offense was a crime against a person.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Aggravated assault
INCLUDE Simple assault
INCLUDE Intimidation
INCLUDE Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter
INCLUDE Negligent manslaughter
INCLUDE Human trafficking, commercial sex acts
INCLUDE Human trafficking, involuntary servitude
INCLUDE Kidnapping/abduction
INCLUDE Sexual assault with an object
INCLUDE Fondling
INCLUDE Statutory rape
EXCLUDE Justifiable homicide

7.5.2 New Cases for Property Charges/Offenses

Breakdown description: The number of people with new community supervision cases referred to the agency in which the most serious originating offense was a property offense.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Burglary/breaking and entering
INCLUDE Counterfeiting/forgery
INCLUDE Destruction/damage/vandalism of property
INCLUDE Embezzlement
INCLUDE Extortion/blackmail
INCLUDE False pretenses/swindle/confidence game
INCLUDE Credit card/automated teller machine fraud
INCLUDE Impersonation
INCLUDE Welfare fraud
INCLUDE Wire fraud
INCLUDE Identity theft
INCLUDE Hacking/computer invasion
INCLUDE Pocket-picking
INCLUDE Purse-snatching
INCLUDE Shoplifting
INCLUDE Theft from building
INCLUDE Theft from coin-operated machine or device
INCLUDE Theft from motor vehicle
INCLUDE Theft of motor vehicle parts or accessories
INCLUDE All other larceny
INCLUDE Motor vehicle theft
INCLUDE Stolen property offenses

7.5.3 New Cases for Public Order Charges/Offenses

Breakdown description: The number of people with new community supervision cases referred to the agency in which the most serious originating offense was a public order offense .

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Animal cruelty
INCLUDE Import violations
INCLUDE Export violations
INCLUDE Federal liquor offenses
INCLUDE Federal tobacco offenses
INCLUDE Wildlife trafficking
INCLUDE Espionage
INCLUDE Money laundering
INCLUDE Harboring escapee/concealing from arrest
INCLUDE Flight to avoid prosecution
INCLUDE Flight to avoid deportation
INCLUDE Betting/wagering
INCLUDE Operating/promoting/assisting gambling
INCLUDE Gambling equipment violations
INCLUDE Sports tampering
INCLUDE Illegal entry into the United States
INCLUDE False citizenship
INCLUDE Smuggling aliens
INCLUDE Re-entry after deportation
INCLUDE Pornography/obscene material
INCLUDE Prostitution
INCLUDE Assisting or promoting prostitution
INCLUDE Purchasing prostitution
INCLUDE Weapon law violations
INCLUDE Violation of National Firearm Act of 1934
INCLUDE Weapons of mass destruction
INCLUDE Explosives
INCLUDE Failure to appear
INCLUDE Curfew/loitering/vagrancy violations
INCLUDE Disorderly conduct
INCLUDE Driving under the influence
INCLUDE Family offenses, nonviolent
INCLUDE Federal resource violations
INCLUDE Liquor law violations
INCLUDE Trespass of real property
EXCLUDE Drug/narcotic violations
EXCLUDE Drug equipment violations
EXCLUDE Drug sales
EXCLUDE Drug distribution
EXCLUDE Drug manufacturing
EXCLUDE Drug smuggling
EXCLUDE Drug production
EXCLUDE Drug possession

7.5.4 New Cases for Drug Charges/Offenses

Breakdown description: The number of people with new community supervision cases referred to the agency in which the most serious originating offense was a drug offense.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Drug/narcotic violations
INCLUDE Drug equipment violations
INCLUDE Drug sales
INCLUDE Drug distribution
INCLUDE Drug manufacturing
INCLUDE Drug smuggling
INCLUDE Drug production
INCLUDE Drug possession

7.5.5 New Cases for Other Charges/Offenses

Breakdown description: The number of people with new community supervision cases referred to the agency in which the most serious originating charge/offense was another type of crime that was not a person, property, drug, or public order charge/offense.

This breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

7.5.6 New Cases for Unknown Charges/Offenses

Breakdown description: The number of people with arrests, citations, or summons made by the agency in which the most serious charge/offense is not known.

This breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

7.6 Daily Population

Preferred sharing frequency: Monthly
Preferred time period: Last day of calendar month

Metric description: A single day count of the number of people who are supervised under the jurisdiction of the agency.

The definition of people on supervision configured in Supervision Types will be applied to this section.

7.6.1 People on Active Supervision

Breakdown description: The number of people who are supervised by the agency on active status.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE People whose supervision includes office visits
INCLUDE People whose supervision includes home or work visits
INCLUDE People whose supervision includes drug or alcohol testing
INCLUDE People whose supervision includes participation in programming or treatment
INCLUDE People whose supervision includes community service
INCLUDE People whose supervision includes electronic monitoring in addition to regular contact with agency staff
EXCLUDE People whose supervision includes only telephone or mail contacts

7.6.2 People on Administrative Supervision

Breakdown description: The number of people who are supervised by the agency on administrative status.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE People whose supervision includes only telephone or mail contacts
INCLUDE People whose supervision is limited to monitoring payments of legal financial obligations
INCLUDE People whose supervision is limited to monitoring payments of restitution
INCLUDE People whose supervision includes only electronic monitoring

7.6.3 People Who Have Absconded from Supervision

Breakdown description: The number of people who are supervised by the agency on absconscion status.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE People who failed to report upon release from incarceration
INCLUDE People who stopped reporting after a period of successful supervision
INCLUDE People who have moved from their approved residence and whose whereabouts are unknown
INCLUDE People for whom the agency’s efforts to locate via letters, home visits, or family or work calls were unsuccessful

7.6.4 People Incarcerated on a Hold or Sanction while on Supervision

Breakdown description: The number of people supervised by the agency who are temporarily incarcerated or confined but are still considered to be on the supervision caseload.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE People held in jail
INCLUDE People held in prison
INCLUDE People held in a residential treatment or programming facility
INCLUDE People held in a confinement facility under the jurisdiction of the supervision agency (e.g., violation center or halfway back facility, etc.)
EXCLUDE People who are revoked to prison or jail who are no longer on supervision under the jurisdiction of the agency

7.6.5 Other Supervision Status

Breakdown description: The number of people who are supervised by the agency in the community and have another supervision status that is not active, administrative, absconder, or incarcerated on a hold or sanction.

This breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

7.6.6 Unknown Supervision Status

Breakdown description: The number of people who are supervised by the agency in the community and have an unknown supervision status.

This breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

7.7 Daily Population by Race and Ethnicity

Preferred sharing frequency: Monthly
Preferred time period: Last day of calendar month

Metric description: A single day count of the number of people who are supervised under the jurisdiction of the agency disaggregated by race and ethnicity.

The definition of people on supervision configured in Supervision Types will be applied to this metric.

See Race and Ethnicity for detailed guidance on how to share data disaggregated by race and ethnicity with Justice Counts.

7.8 Daily Population by Biological Sex

Preferred sharing frequency: Monthly
Preferred time period: Last day of calendar month

Metric description: A single day count of the number of people who are supervised under the jurisdiction of the agency disaggregated by biological sex.

The definition of people on supervision configured in Supervision Types will be applied to this metric.

7.8.1 Male Biological Sex

Breakdown description: The number of people who are supervised under the jurisdiction of the agency whose biological sex is male.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Male biological sex
EXCLUDE Unknown biological sex

7.8.2 Female Biological Sex

Breakdown description: The number of people who are supervised under the jurisdiction of the agency whose biological sex is female.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Female biological sex
EXCLUDE Unknown biological sex

7.8.3 Unknown Biological Sex

Breakdown description: The number of people who are supervised under the jurisdiction of the agency whose biological sex is not known.

This breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

In addition to configuring biological sex definitions, agencies should also share information regarding the method of data collection for biological sex. Justice Counts recognizes that that there is significant variation across agencies for how, when, and by whom those data are collected and recorded.

Please indicate the origin of biological sex data for the agency:

Yes/No Data are collected and recorded by a law enforcement agency and are applied unchanged by agency staff
Yes/No Data are collected and recorded by a law enforcement agency and are amended upon receipt by agency staff
Yes/No Data are collected and recorded by agency staff at intake
Yes/No Data are collected and recorded by a criminal justice agency other than a law enforcement agency and are applied unchanged by agency staff
Yes/No Data are collected and recorded by a criminal justice agency other than a law enforcement agency and are amended upon receipt by agency staff

Please indicate the method of data collection for biological sex data for the agency:

Yes/No People being processed self-report biological sex data
Yes/No Agency staff make determinations about biological sex for the people being processed
Yes/No It is not known how biological sex data is collected
Note about gender identity metrics

Justice Counts is working to determine the best way to account for gender identity through this initiative. More information is forthcoming in early 2023.

7.9 Discharges

Preferred sharing frequency: Monthly
Preferred time period: First day of calendar month to last day of calendar month

Metric description: The number of people who had a supervision term that ended.

In some instances, this may mean being released from the jurisdiction of the supervision agency. In others, it may mean transitioning from one term of supervision to another or that a supervision term ended due to revocation to incarceration.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this metric can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this metric, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Successful completions of supervision
INCLUDE Unsuccessful discharge from supervision
INCLUDE Neutral discharge from supervision
EXCLUDE People transferred between supervision districts or supervision officers in the same jurisdiction

7.9.1 Successful Completions of Supervision

Breakdown description: The number of people who had a term of supervision end due to successful completion of required terms or timeframe.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE People who completed all requirements of supervision and were released
INCLUDE People who were granted early release from supervision for earned or good time
INCLUDE People who arrive at the end of their supervision term in good standing and without revocation
EXCLUDE People who completed their full term of their supervision sentence, but have outstanding supervision violations pending resolution
EXCLUDE People who were discharged from supervision due to a prolonged period of absconscion
EXCLUDE People who died during their term of supervision
EXCLUDE People whose supervision term was terminated due to failure to meet the requirements of supervision, resulting in incarceration (e.g., pretrial release revocation probation revocation, etc.)
EXCLUDE People who were revoked from one kind of supervision to another (e.g., people revoked to regular probation from a supervision term that, when completed, would result in no criminal record)
EXCLUDE People who were determined to not be a match for supervision and terminated from the agency’s jurisdiction

7.9.2 Neutral Discharges from Supervision

Breakdown description: The number of people who had a term of supervision end without a clear successful completion or failure event such as revocation.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE People who completed their full term of their supervision sentence, but have outstanding supervision violations pending resolution
INCLUDE People who were discharged from supervision due to a prolonged period of absconscion
INCLUDE People who died during their term of supervision
EXCLUDE People whose supervision term was terminated due to failure to meet the requirements of supervision, resulting in incarceration (e.g., pretrial release revocation probation revocation, etc.)
EXCLUDE People who were revoked from one kind of supervision to another (e.g., people revoked to regular probation from a supervision term that, when completed, would result in no criminal record)
EXCLUDE People who were determined to not be a match for supervision and terminated from the agency’s jurisdiction
EXCLUDE People who completed all requirements of supervision and were released
EXCLUDE People who were granted early release from supervision for earned or good time
EXCLUDE People who arrive at the end of their supervision term in good standing and without revocation

7.9.3 Unsuccessful Discharges from Supervision

Breakdown description: The number of people who had a term of supervision end due to unsatisfactory compliance.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE People whose supervision term was terminated due to failure to meet the requirements of supervision, resulting in incarceration (e.g., pretrial release revocation probation revocation, etc.)
INCLUDE People who were revoked from one kind of supervision to another (e.g., people revoked to regular probation from a supervision term that, when completed, would result in no criminal record)
INCLUDE People who were determined to not be a match for supervision and terminated from the agency’s jurisdiction
EXCLUDE People who completed their full term of their supervision sentence, but have outstanding supervision violations pending resolution
EXCLUDE People who were discharged from supervision due to a prolonged period of absconscion
EXCLUDE People who died during their term of supervision
EXCLUDE People who completed all requirements of supervision and were released
EXCLUDE People who were granted early release from supervision for earned or good time
EXCLUDE People who arrive at the end of their supervision term in good standing and without revocation

7.9.4 Other Discharges from Supervision

Breakdown description: The number of people who had a term of supervision end for reasons that are not considered successful completions, neutral discharges, or unsuccessful discharges.

This breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

7.9.5 Unknown Discharges from Supervision

Breakdown description: The number of people who had a supervision term end for unknown reasons.

This breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

7.10 Violations

Preferred sharing frequency: Monthly
Preferred time period: First day of calendar month to last day of calendar month

Metric description: The number of incidents in which conditions of supervision were violated. Incidents may include multiple violations that are reported by the agency at the same time, commonly called violation reports.

If the agency recorded the incident and provided any form of accountability measure, from verbal warning to incarceration, it should be reflected in this count. If a person had multiple violation incidents in a month, each of those violation incidents would be counted here. If a person had multiple violation types involved in a single incident, the incident should be counted as a single event for this metric.

For incidents in which there were multiple violation types, please apply a hierarchy rule and share data according to the most serious violation (as determined by the agency). If your agency does not have a hierarchy rule, we recommend considering new offense violations the most serious, followed by absconding, technical, other, and unknown.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this metric can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this metric, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Violation incidents resulting in the application of a supervision agency sanction (increased reporting, curfew, etc.)
INCLUDE Violation incidents resulting in a court sanction (remand to custody, court-ordered treatment, etc.)
INCLUDE Violation incidents resulting in revocation of supervision

7.10.1 Technical Violations

Breakdown description: The number of people who violated conditions of supervision in which the most serious violation was defined as “technical” within the supervision agency.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Criminal association violation
INCLUDE Employment violation
INCLUDE Financial obligations violation (e.g., legal, restitution, child support)
INCLUDE Firearm violation
INCLUDE Reporting violation
INCLUDE Failure to appear violation
INCLUDE Residency or housing violation
INCLUDE Restraining or protective order violation
INCLUDE Special conditions violation
INCLUDE Substance use violation
INCLUDE Supervision directives violation
INCLUDE Supervision fees violation
INCLUDE Travel violation
INCLUDE Weapons violation (non-firearm)
EXCLUDE Admission of criminal offense (no arrest)
EXCLUDE Arrest for new criminal charge
EXCLUDE Conviction for new criminal charge
EXCLUDE Absconding violation

7.10.2 Absconding Violations

Breakdown description: The number of people who violated conditions of supervision in which the most serious violation was defined as “absconding” within the supervision agency.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Absconding violation

7.10.3 New Offense Violations

Breakdown description: The number of people who violated conditions of supervision in which the most serious violation was defined as “new offense” within the supervision agency.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Disclosure of criminal offense (no arrest)
INCLUDE Arrest for new criminal charge
INCLUDE Conviction for new criminal charge

7.10.4 Other Violations

Breakdown description: The number of people who violated conditions of supervision in which the most serious violation was not covered in technical violations, absconding, or new offenses.

This breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

7.10.5 Unknown Violations

Breakdown description: The number of people who violated an unknown condition of supervision.

This breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

7.11 Revocations

Preferred sharing frequency: Monthly
Preferred time period: First day of calendar month to last day of calendar month

Metric description: The number of people who had a term of supervision revoked.

For incidents in which there were multiple violations that contributed to a revocation, please apply a hierarchy rule and share data according to the most serious violation (as determined by the agency). If your agency does not have a hierarchy rule, we recommend considering new offense violations the most serious, followed by absconding, technical, other, and unknown.

As part of the configuration of revocation data, please describe how your agency tracks revocations:

Yes/No Reflects most recent violation type
Yes/No Reflects the most serious violation type in a person’s supervision term

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this metric can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this metric, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Revocation to prison
INCLUDE Revocation to jail
INCLUDE Revocation to inpatient treatment in the community
INCLUDE Revocation to treatment in a prison or jail facility
INCLUDE Revocation to a new supervision term
EXCLUDE Revocation to supervision termination
EXCLUDE Short-term incarceration with a return to the same term of supervision (e.g., “dips,” “dunks,” etc.)

7.11.1 Revocations for Technical Violations

Breakdown description: The number of people revoked from supervision whose most serious violation was defined as technical.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Criminal association violation
INCLUDE Employment violation
INCLUDE Financial obligations violation (e.g., legal, restitution, child support)
INCLUDE Firearm violation
INCLUDE Reporting violation
INCLUDE Failure to appear violation
INCLUDE Residency or housing violation
INCLUDE Restraining or protective order violation
INCLUDE Special conditions violation
INCLUDE Substance use violation
INCLUDE Supervision directives violation
INCLUDE Supervision fees violation
INCLUDE Travel violation
INCLUDE Weapons violation (non-firearm)
EXCLUDE Admission of criminal offense (no arrest)
EXCLUDE Arrest for new criminal charge
EXCLUDE Conviction for new criminal charge
EXCLUDE Absconding violation

7.11.2 Revocations for New Offense Violations

Breakdown description: The number of people revoked from supervision whose most serious violation was defined as a new offense.

The Justice Counts preferred definition includes and excludes the following (this breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section):

INCLUDE Disclosure of criminal offense (no arrest)
INCLUDE Arrest for new criminal charge
INCLUDE Conviction for new criminal charge

7.11.3 Revocations for Other Reasons

Breakdown description: The number of people revoked from supervision who were revoked for a violation that was neither technical nor a new offense.

This breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

7.11.4 Unknown Violations

Breakdown description: The number of people revoked from supervision for an unknown reason.

This breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.

7.12 Reconvictions

Preferred sharing frequency: Annually
Preferred time period: First day of calendar year to last day of calendar year

Metric description: The number of people convicted of a new crime while serving a term of supervision.

Note about reconvictions

Justice Counts is accounting for the reality in some jurisdictions where revocations of community supervision can only occur after conviction. During onboarding, we will work with your agency to make sure definition configurations match your practices.

INCLUDE People with a new felony conviction
INCLUDE People with a new misdemeanor conviction
EXCLUDE People with a new infraction conviction

This breakdown can be shared for probation, parole, pretrial, other community supervision, or combined supervision types; if community supervision data cannot be shared discretely for this breakdown, please follow the sharing hierarchy outlined in the data characteristics section.